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Handgeschreven gedichten,  verrijkt met foto’s / collages/

Hope / Hoop

Poem:                     Majke Lüthi, 2015
Photos:        , Hollyhock, me
Stencilart:              Hollyhock & Pønk
Screenprint:          Hollyhock


career women, who wish to become a gardener
young potentials, who need viagra
mothers, who crave attention
writers, who hang out in bars too long
people, forget to see

all my hope is based on:
girls who skateboard
more and more often I see:
girls who skateboard.


carrièrevrouwen, die hovenier willen worden
young potentials, aan de viagra
moeders, die hunkeren naar aandacht
schrijvers, die te lang in de bar blijven hangen
mensen, vergeten om zich heen te kijken

al mijn hoop is gebaseerd op:
meisjes die skateboarden
steeds vaker zie ik:
meisjes die skateboarden.

The poem ‘Hope’ was one of the first poems I wrote. I always had a dreamlike ‘Air: All I Need’-kind of atmosphere in my mind that should accompany the poem, but I never got around creating it myself. Then, I spotted a screen print of a dreamlike skateboarding girl, created by artist Hollyhockart at the Mesh Print Club in Rotterdam. It was the first time she had screen
printed any of the pencil artwork pieces she makes with her friend Pønkstencilart.
Spontaneously, I sent her my poem, just because I thought it was a funny coincidence. I was touched and proud when she asked me to combine the poem and their art work. When we first met, I wrote the poem by hand on the poster, the Dutch and an English version, and yes they do go together very well (just like the couple in Air’s video clip!).

The icing on the cake was the pasting up of the screen print posters together in Rotterdam.


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